Profinal logistic park
Profinal a.s.
Nádražná 39
900 28 Ivanka pri Dunaji
Logistic park is situated in the northern part of Bratislava outskirts, accessible via route no. 61 Bratislava - Senec in the town Ivánka pri Dunaji. One of the biggest assets of the location is the distance from Bratislava, D1 highway approach and the airport Bratislava.
Property characteristics
- total area of property 39.724 m2
- total area of warehouses 18.592 m2
- area of new warehouses 10.637 m2
- area of reconstructed warehouses 7.955 m2
Transportation distances
- Bratislava center = 14 km
- Bratislava airport = 5 km
- railway siding = 5 km
- Austrian border = 20 km
- D1 highway exit = 3 km
Other services in logistic park
Property has 24 hour guard duty, full maintenance, restaurant, tire service, forklift rental, trail car rental, van rental (3,5 tons), short-term storage in cases of sudden depletion of tenant storage capacity.